we were cleaning our
basketball cort

today i wana write about sport my favorit sport and in generall. actully i love sport i play sport to loss my time for fun there is some sport i dont like but i paly it for fun such as socer .and also my socer play is not good . in my life i tryed to many sports . in aother hand i play some sports to be in a good shape for exampel budybilding (dumbels) , runing , bysicel, hiking maountin let me add here something for hiking maountin its exercise for mind and for boudy i become relax nuture is your best friend when you fell alone .
there is a my favorite sports it is a BASKETBALL i loveee it. i realy enjoy it when i play. my favorit player is JAMES LEBRON and lett me tell you about player wich i hate him COBYYYY .
almost i play basketball every day someday alone some day with my friends . sports is usefull for youth becouse they can loss their energy in sport so they dont have energy for bad think for exampel if they dont spent thir time in gym or in sport they become bored and they goes for alcohol and drugs . sports keep you away from drugs alcohol . and its give you helth .
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