Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Journal Entry #18

relax your mind with pool

Advantages Of Playing Sports

There are tree advantages of playing sport. First of all exercise is good for health. Health is biggest gift from god. When you are healthy you can live longer and work better. Sport is just not good for your body health it’s also good for mind health, and when your mind is healthy you don’t get sick easily. When you played sports your body and your mind become relaxed. With relax mind and body you are happy person and you can do your best in everything. Here is good example when I get angry or I become little bit depress I do play sport its help me to forget everything and relax my mind and my body. Second reason why sport is good is make you socialized men, For example when you playing basketball or soccer… you playing in team that’s make you work with people. You can make lots of friends and know more about other people and learn from them good things. Third advantage is playing sports you learn a lot of thing such as accept losing and how to compete people. Because it’s like real life you can make yourself stronger for life’s problems.

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